Instead of just memorizing, we provide lessons based on deep understanding.
The American Mathematics Competitions are paving the way for extraordinary secondary school students to reach their full potential and represent our country on a global level. Students stand to gain invaluable recognition by taking part in this competition, which will help shape the nation's future success!
Algebra is an excellent tool for inspiring creative and nuanced thinking in students, helping to develop their cognitive flexibility. In addition, working with algebraic equations can equip learners with the tools needed to effectively structure complex ideas - enabling them to tackle dynamic scenarios more confidently.
Geometry encourages students to think creatively and logically, honing their problem-solving skills. Through geometric analysis, they can develop a deeper understanding of the world around them while tackling multifaceted challenges.
— Albert Einstein, German theoretical physicist
We’ve got educational experiences for every stage of life. Come explore and make something amazing today!
Scratch, Python, Java, C++. Our courses provide students with knowledge, skills, and confidence to think and code in the real world.
Ozobot, Dash & Dot, Kindergarten. Develop logic and creativity while learning robot coding, engineering, and algorithms.
PCEP, MOS, ACA, Unity. Be prepared to challenge yourself when applying for college applications, internships and beyond!
Computer Graphic, MS Office, YouTube, Quickbooks. At our institution, We specialize in empowering professionals to master vital tools of the modern workplace.
At The Coding Place, it's not just the coding that makes us special. It's our commitment to creating an environment where students can come together and share their experiences with one another in order to create innovative digital solutions for today’s challenges.
“In just one year, my son went from knowing virtually nothing to being able to create his own algorithms and explore whatever interests him. It is truly incredible how far he has come in such a short amount of time!”